Join the Learning Curve: Lā·f(v)iNG

Clients love Lafving even before they can pronounce it...but why?

A Short Biography

I started writing in the third grade: these awful little, three-to-five page sci-fi vignettes of uncontained imagination.

I am proud to say that my daily activities have not changed in the last thirty years.

What you must understand about me is that I am a middle child through and through. Even though I have always wanted to be a writer, I have also, always been attracted to math and science too. As a pupil at this uniformed, all-guy prep school in Dallas, I was the guy who loved AP Physics and BC Calc and was a nationally ranked fencer.

But the pendulum swung back in college, at Princeton, where I studied Comparative Literature and composed a lot of mediocre poetry under ancient trees, on the forbidden slate rooftops of Mathey/Rocky, in the back rows of many classrooms.

When I graduated, business was the last thing I wanted to do. But I wanted to write, and, out on the job market in 2009, the best gig in town was the Gale Encyclopedia of Electronic Commerce. Researching business and technology, I realized that we are all now living in a sci-fi novel.

Now, world building isn't what interests me so much as character building; I love designing voices that accentuate your value proposition and make you entertaining. You, your business and market and customers, are a fascinating world I don’t need to create but only learn about, and communicate.

What Is a Lafving?


I believe in compassion, in mastery, and the power of communication.


To drive brand authority, leads and sales with awesome content.


To be bought out by Neil Patel and travel the world by boat.

Great guy — very pleasant to work with.
Ami Kassar
Multifunding, LLC

Talent & Education

Published by:

  • TechTarget
  • Customer Experience Update (#1 MVP Award Winner 2020 for Organizational Alignment & Culture Category)
  • Gale Encyclopedias
  • The Philadelphia Inquirer
  • UPenn's The Key
  • Phawker
  • Metro Philadelphia
  • Customer Think (multiple Editor's Picks)
  • Inc.


Princeton University, Bachelor of the Arts in Comparative Literature, 2006

Continuing Education in Business and Technology

Corporate Finance
Internet Giants, the Law and Economics of Media Platforms
Search Engine Optimization I, II
UC Davis
Economics of Money and Banking

B2B Industries and Technologies

Enough Reading. Let's Talk!

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